Monday, July 13, 2009


The kids left for camp today. Mixed emotions for mom! I will be very busy this week cleaning, organizing, getting homeschool things ready and visiting my husband! We're also planning a day together in the cities! Below are pics of the kids right before leaving for Camp Shiloh in Madison Lake, MN.

Well, it's Lily's and Paulina's FIRST year of camp. They're entering fourth grade this fall, so they now can go to Camp Shiloh. It was very hard letting them go!!! They were so excited though. I hope they have a lot of fun and learn a lot of wonderful things about God.


Anonymous said...

Your kids look pretty excited to head off to camp. I looked at the Camp site, always fun to hear about other Bible camps that are in Minnesota. See that it is near Mankato. My dad went to the University there for a period of time and my cousins mom was from there.
Well, I need to head back out, in for a 10 minute rest for my back and feet. Beans picked, now need to do cucumbers. Have a fun week cleaning!

OurCrazyFarm said...

Laura~The kids have grown so tall since I last saw them! Hope everybody had a great time at camp. You're garden is coming along nice. You are so right~ lots of work, but worth the effort:) Terri