Monday, May 18, 2009

It Has Begun

Oh I love spring. New beginnings. Canning begins! The BEST part about it is planning the garden. I made the mistake of planting 90 tomato plants on March 1st. Yep - I said MARCH 1st - NOT April 1st. I've been struggling with trying to keep them in deep enough containers - that's a lot of ice cream pails to come up with! are a couple of pics...


Anonymous said...

Tomatoes looking good. What's in the jars.
If your still following my blog you might want to go over to it and make changes..I changed my blog name. Our gardens moving along, carrots, peas, beets, onions growing well, tomatoes, peppers are in, corns up, got rows ready for sweet taters slips when the greenhouse calls to say their ready,and have a few other things to plant yet.
Good to see you posted........I almost began to think you quit.

The Dinh Family said...

are you living in a jungle up there? hey, what's the stuff in the canning jars? it looks like apple butter?

OurCrazyFarm said...

Hi Laura! What a nice surprise to find your blog tonight! The kids have grown so much since I've seen you last. It will be fun to keep up with your family. Glad to see you following! Terri