Sunday, September 28, 2008


It's our anniversary on the 30th, so we decided to include our kids and take them to the long-awaited "Fireproof" by the makers of "Facing the Giants" and "Flywheel". We don't usually spend so much money on just one movie - usually wait until it's on DVD, but this one was an exception. Fireproof lived up to every expectation I had, and then some! Kirk Cameron's perrformance was outstanding. The movie has an excellent gospel message and an excellent message for struggling marriages. I would recommend it to anyone. However, if you are bringing your children, do NOT let them see the previews of other movies. There were some sexually explicit jokes (a lot). If you'd like to check out the movie's website it's If you'd like to watch a preview you can go to the right on my blog and click on the youtube fireproof clip.

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